Mitsubishi Motors to Display MITSUBISHI Concept-EZ MIEV Concept and New Colt CZC Coupe-cabriolet Models at 2006 Geneva Motor ShowArrrgghh!!! I really wish I would have patented this idea. I've been saying for years that someone should make an electric car with a motor on each wheel! That way you could lose a motor or shut a motor or two off for cruising speeds to save on electricity. Oh, well... I guess that I can't complain if I did nothing with the idea.
I just read this article on how technology is ruining people's family lives because they are so much more connected via cell phones, email, etc. They intrude on what used to be private family time.
Those things are not the problem! It's just another thing people as an excuse or justification for the choices they make. No one wants to be responsible. They want someone to blame for things being the way they are. Well, I'm sorry to say, the only one responsible is
you. You always have a choice. That's the one thing noone can ever take from you - your choice. You may not always like your options, but how you chose, how you prioritize, is completely up to you.
Sorry, rant complete.
If you look at
the pictures at the top of the blog, you'll notice the first two images are new. Take a look and tell me what you think. They contain my first from-scratch 3D model since 1984 or '85. By "from-scratch" I mean I typed in the coordinates and definition for the entire object by hand.
The new goat twins born to Oreo were killed by a bear two nights ago. Oreo still wanders around looking for them sometimes. My parents got two new kids named Teddy and Tumnus. They are trying to get Oreo used to feeding them, but so far she must be held to allow them to feed.
White Spot (Silver's little girl) is doing great and loves to frolick and play. She still doesn't play mutch with the other kids because her mother doesn't allow it, but that will hopefully change in time. Tumnus and Teddy are the cuddliest little animals and will fall asleep in your arms.
My parent's goats had their babies last night. White Spot was born to Silver at around 2005-01-11 06:30 and the twins (as yet unnamed) were born to Oreo around 2005-01-12 00:30.
retrievr is a new way to search for images on Flickr. I sketched the image in the top left and the thumbnails are what the search returned. Not perfect, but very cool.
I just noticed that my little form to sign up to receive my blog by email was missing. I've put it back again. If you'd like to receive my blog via email instead of visiting the page, just put your email address in the form in the upper right side of the page and click subscribe.
I'm not sure what took me to
this page but I thought it was a neat little story. I think that in this day and age the definition of mental illness is blurring. Of course, maybe it always has been blurry. Even though it seems like things are getting worse, it may be just that we notice them more now because we hear about everything more with all the information floating around the air waves and internet. Maybe I'm just becoming an old geezer... "Back in my day, ..."
For those who don't know,
St. Dymphna's is an Irish Pub in New York. My brother-in-law, Eric, works there as a bar tender. I got to spend some time with Barry Heffernan, the owner, a good friend of my brother- and sister-in-law, at their wedding in Portugal, and he is really a great guy. It is one of the nicest pubs I've been to and has excellent food, so if you're ever on St. Mark's in New York, stop in and give it a try.